five bike riders are in silouette with sun behind them in sky


Cycling is freedom!

We are working to empower healthier
youth to have the agency to get around
their communities independently.

About Youth En Route

Our cycling education programs support enhanced curriculum delivery in schools. Cycling is a life skill that builds confidence, community and reduces transportation poverty. After our programs, students can go where they want, when they want.

Here is what we do

Youth En Route empowers youth with skill and equipment to choose active travel to pedal their path

Incorporated on May 11, 2021 as 13008037 Canada Association. 
Registered Charity 758178461RR0001


Empowering youth to be healthy and resilient through using a bicycle to reach everyday destinations.


Youth have agency to independently travel their community by bicycle.

Join us in supporting youth biking programs!

We always welcome new groups to partner with. Let’s work together on shared infrastructure, ideas and equipment – to make all of our funds go further, and get more kids out of cars and using independent, active transportation.

How to get involved

There are various ways that you can get involved in our initiative.

Sign up your school

Reach out if you would like Youth En Route
at your school next year.


Support us

Read more about ways you can support
Youth En Route.


Contact Us

Want more information about Youth En Route?
We would love to chat.


From the Blog

  • Gearing up for ABC Challenge

    Gearing up for ABC Challenge

    How can we build community AND help youth find friends to bike with? One of the easy ways is to celebrate active transportation as a school community. So we are planning a school challenge week April 28th to May 3, geared to high school and junior high schools across Calgary and Area.   We tasked…

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  • AGM celebrates a year of success

    AGM celebrates a year of success

    On February 3, Youth en Route board members and partners celebrated the wrap of our fiscal year-end at our Annual General Meeting. Despite the cold night, warmth and optimism reigned as the group heard of the many accomplishments of the Youth en Route team. YER programs reached close to 1300 students at 23 schools over…

    Read full blog post

  • Rolling into 2025 with big plans to empower youth

    Rolling into 2025 with big plans to empower youth

    by Executive Director: Laura Shutiak Our tiny organization continues to do big things in our city. We are on a mission to empower youth with the skills and equipment to get around independently. We know that with some education, and a good used bike and helmet, youth are empowered to explore their city, connect to…

    Read full blog post