Cycling is freedom!
We are working to empower healthier
youth to have the agency to get around
their communities independently.

About Youth En Route
Our cycling education programs support enhanced curriculum delivery in schools. Cycling is a life skill that builds confidence, community and reduces transportation poverty. After our programs, students can go where they want, when they want.
Here is what we do
Youth En Route empowers youth with skill and equipment to choose active travel to pedal their path
Incorporated on May 11, 2021 as 13008037 Canada Association.
Registered Charity 758178461RR0001
Join us in supporting youth biking programs!
We always welcome new groups to partner with. Let’s work together on shared infrastructure, ideas and equipment – to make all of our funds go further, and get more kids out of cars and using independent, active transportation.
How to get involved
There are various ways that you can get involved in our initiative.
From the Blog
Rolling into 2025 with big plans to empower youth
by Executive Director: Laura Shutiak Our tiny organization continues to do big things in our city. We are on a mission to empower youth with the skills and equipment to get around independently. We know that with some education, and a good used bike and helmet, youth are empowered to explore their city, connect to…